Week of January 25th – 31st

It is the last week of January! There was a lot of excitement from the neighborhood kids this week with the arrival of winter weather. Although the snow did not stick around for long, it was thoroughly enjoyed in my backyard and neighborhood. This week as been busy with end of quarter work and projects. My student is marveling in the fact that he is halfway through the school year!

The coming weeks are full of school activities and that is also true for the MTMS PTA. We have been eagerly awaiting some Restaurant Partners to be ready to participate in fundraising activities, and we finally have some opportunities to share with the MTMS community. Also, DON’T FORGET the General PTA meeting next week on Tuesday, February 2nd, from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. Below is a list of upcoming activities with some details. More details will be provided in the coming weeks as we get closer to the event dates.

Upcoming Activities:

1. Tuesday, February 2nd, GENERAL PTA MEETING, 6:30pm-8:00pm Opened to all MTMS families!

The first 30 minutes will be devoted to some PTA business, including:

  • A review of available PTA positions for the next school year
  • General membership vote on the PTA president position and any other positions for the next school year
  • Updates and information on our many upcoming fundraisers

Special speakers will join the meeting at 7:00pm to discuss Restorative JusticeKeela Tillery, PPS RJ Specialist and Diana Collins, PPS Multi-Tiered System of Support TOSA (Teacher on Special Assignment).

We welcome anyone in the Mt. Tabor Middle School community to join for the entire meeting or just for those times that you are able to make it work.

Zoom Link for the Meeting:Join Zoom Meeting https://pps-net.zoom.us/j/81042631997 Meeting ID: 810 4263 1997 

Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Meeting ID: 810 4263 1997 

Find your local number: https://pps-net.zoom.us/u/kdQgNYpjOr

2. Sunday, February 7th, DAIRY HILL ICE CREAM RESTAURANT PARTNERS UPDATE: THIS EVENT IS BEING MOVED TO MARCH. Sorry for any inconvenience to those that were planning on this. For ice cream, please see below for the Dairy Hill Valentines Fundraiser!!!!

3. Saturday or Sunday, February 13th or 14th, DAIRY HILL ICE CREAM VALENTINES DAY FUNDRAISER

What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than with some sweet ice cream! This fundraiser takes place primarily online.  Dairy Hill has a special holiday menu on their website (it looks awesome). Place orders online NOW up until the night of 2/10 (a Wednesday) and select a pick up date of either 2/13 (Saturday) or 2/14 (Sunday). Orders can be placed at dairyhillicecream.com/valentines-fundraiser/. It is very important to enter our school’s code when placing your order.  The code is TABOR.

4. Tuesday – Thursday, February 16th- 18th, OLD SPAGHETTI FACTORY

Spaghetti!!! Our second Restaurant Partner of the school year will be The Old Spaghetti Factory. Details to come.

5. Wednesday, March 10th, Por Que No? Restaurant Partner

We feel so excited to be able to offer these events and conduct some of our normal fundraising activities. Details to come, but mark your calendar now.

6. Week of March 15th – 21st, DREAM DINNERS

Dream Dinners will be offering a second fundraising event the week of March 15th. We will provide all the details as the time nears, but we know it will include the opportunity to order some delicious, prepped dinners ready to heat up and serve.