There is a lot of exciting news this week for the Mt. Tabor Middle School community!!! Be sure to scroll all the way through this post to see what’s for dinner.
First of all, the community really came together for the Families in Need winter donation drive. The fundraising drive to raise money for families that need some extra support over winter break has been a great success. If you have not yet had the opportunity to donate, there is still time. The last day to donate has been moved up to Friday, December 11, 2020. This is also the day any families who feel they have a need for assistance need to submit the assistance form. A big thank you to the community for engaging in and donating for this event!

The link to the Google form to request assistance from or donate to the Families in Need winter break drive is listed below in case anyone needs to take advantage of the last day of the drive on Friday, December 11th.

Are you (or someone you know) tired of meal planning and prep?
Do you need a break from thinking about your family’s meals?
Does your family need a break from delivered pizza or carry out meals?
Mt. Tabor Middle School PTA has a solution for you!!! Through a generous partnership with Dream Dinners, we are excited to offer this curbside fundraiser. The full details are outlined in the links and flyers below, but here are some details to get you started.
Order three delicious meals online from the menu options described below and in the links provided. The curbside pick-up dates are Thursday, December 17th from 6:30pm-7:30pm and Saturday, December 19th 9:00am-10:00am. The cost for three meals is $50.00 and $10.00 will be donated back to the MTMS PTA. Dream Dinners does the grocery shopping, gathering ingredients, and prepping the meals. You, or someone you know, pick up the meals and cook them at home following the simple instructions provided.
If you enjoy the meals and place a standard order for the current or following month, Dream Dinners will donate an additional $20.00 to MTMS PTA.
Dream Dinners Mt. Tabor PTA Curbside Fundraiser 12/17 link:
Dream Dinners Mt. Tabor PTA Curbside Fundraiser 12/19 link:
Thursday, December 17, 2020 flyer:

Saturday, December 19, 2020 flyer: