Week of October 25th – 29th

Have a fun and safe Halloween!

A HUGE thank you for the socks! There will be many warm feet this fall and winter. This community always amazes us with your generosity and we greatly appreciate your participation and support of the community. We will be collecting winter jackets during Spirit Week in November. If you are cleaning out closets or shopping for winter gear in the next few weeks consider donating adult-sized (or big kid) jackets that are gently used or new. 

Another reminder that details about the OHSU COVID-19 asymptomatic testing program and links to the opt-in forms are available at the following link. This was the topic of the first General PTA Meeting of the school year. The last slide has free, pediatric testing resources in the Portland area.



MTMS PTA needs your help. The community is stronger when we work together and we would love to have some more volunteer power within the PTA.

Treasurer Elect – Learn how to be treasurer from our current amazing Treasurer. Our current Treasurer is planning to stay in the position next year as well, so this volunteer would have two years to learn the ropes. **We are currently looking for a volunteer to participate in audits with the Treasurer. This is a small time commitment and occurs on a regular basis.**

Volunteer Coordinator – Help coordinate volunteers as needed (some examples: Picture Day, Picture Retake Day, Staff Appreciation Week, decorating for 8th Grade Promotion). Picture day and picture re-take day are already off the list, so 1/2 the work is already done!!

Restaurant Partner Coordinator – Procure restaurant partners for these fundraising events. This is done with some outreach via email and then making sure the Communications Chair has the details to share with the community. We have relationships established and leads on new restaurants that are interested. 

Outdoor Coordinator – Lead or assist with beautifying the internal courtyard. We want our students and teachers to have a nice space in the courtyard. The space is used often and passed through multiple times a day. 

Bottle Drop Coordinator – Ensure Bottle Drop bags and labels are stocked and distributed to those interested. This is a minimal time commitment. Staff Appreciation Week – Take the lead or assist in coordinating staff appreciation events in May. The PTA has several leads and relationships established already.