We hope you have been able to enjoy some of the PTA fundraising events in the last few weeks. Thank you to everyone who has been able to participate and contribute to the PTA. We work to support MTMS teachers and students and can not do that without your participation and support. The Dairy Hill Ice Cream for Valentines Day was delicious. We will have another event, a Restaurant Partners event, with Dairy Hill Ice Cream in the next month or two, so watch out for news about that. This week was Old Spaghetti Factory on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. That was a welcome change of meals after days of snow and ice.
Our next events are scheduled for March. Wednesday, March 10th is Por Que No?. 10% of all sales from the date will be donated to MTMS PTA, so no need to use a code. Just order from Por Que No? on March 10th and enjoy. And, tell all your family, friends, and neighbors that March 10th is a great day for Por Que No?.
March 18th and 20th are reserved for a Dream Dinners fundraiser. We had a great experience at the end of last year working with Dream Dinners. Order three meals at the links provided below for $50.00. Pick up for the March 18th orders is 6:30pm-7:00pm at the Dream Dinners kitchen in Beaverton. Pick up for the March 20th orders is 12:00pm-12:30pm, also at the Dream Dinners kitchen in Beaverton. It is very easy, pull up to the building and the friendly and knowledge staff will check in with you while you wait in your car and bring your meals out. Dream Dinners are prepped and frozen, ready for you or your family to complete by cooking or heating up.
**In March Dream Dinners is awarding the top 10 fundraising events an additional $500.00 matching donation.** It’s a competition, is Mt. Tabor competitive… let’s see. For every order, Dream Dinners generously donates $10.00 back to the PTA. That is 20% of your purchase, twice what most Restaurant Partners offer. If you place a standard order within a week of your pick up date, Dream Dinners will donate another $20.00 to the PTA.
March 18th : https://dreamdinners.com/session/876823
March 20th : https://dreamdinners.com/session/876824