We hope that you all had a wonderful, long weekend and were able to find a way to celebrate your families and the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. My child was hoping for snow days last week…but all he got was a late start (Thank Goodness!). The PTA’s Board Meeting was last week and we are hammering out the details of any continued fundraising efforts that will take place over the next couple of months, along with ideas for activities and events for students, Staff Appreciation Week and making decisions about speakers at our next General PTA Meeting! We have a couple Mt Tabor Dines Out events coming up, as well as another Night with the Trailblazers!!! coming up….
DOUBLE HEADER– Mt Tabor Dines and Desserts out on Wednesday, January 29th
We have two local hotspots – ¿Por Qué No? and Ruby Jewel – who have graciously offered to help raise money for MTMS, and on the SAME DAY, no less. Seems like the perfect excuse to get out there, eat some tacos and wash it all down with a cookie ice cream sandwich. Hopefully we will see each other there, because I will be there!

Mt. Tabor Middle School Community Night with the Trailblazers on Tuesday, April 7th… DEADLINE: Friday, March 6th
The last Trailblazers Community Night was such a success, that we decided to do it one more time. Let’s all go out and show our Blazers and our MTMS Spirit! See you there!!!