Week of October 19th-23rd
As cooler weather moves into the area this weekend, it is a great time to purchase some cozy sweatshirts and hoodies to keep your students (and you!) warm this fall… Continue reading Week of October 19th-23rd
As cooler weather moves into the area this weekend, it is a great time to purchase some cozy sweatshirts and hoodies to keep your students (and you!) warm this fall… Continue reading Week of October 19th-23rd
BottleDrop!!! A great way to raise funds for Mt. Tabor Middle School PTA. If you are a committed PTA member or follower, you may have noticed the weekly newsletter (this… Continue reading Week of October 12th – 16th
We have made it through the first month of school! It is hard to believe we are moving into the first full week of October. It feels like my household… Continue reading This week: October 5th – 9th
Looks like we have a wonderful week of weather ahead! And as we march toward Fall, I watch my child – and I imagine all of our kids – marching… Continue reading This week at MTMS: September 28th – October 3rd
We had a great turnout for the First PTA of the ’20-’21 school year. Thank you to everybody who turned out and who stepped up to volunteer. This year is… Continue reading This week at MTMS: September 21 – 25
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th @ 6:30PM Virtual Meeting via ZOOM. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89870796538?pwd=N0JkVG5obzJyUkI3bjF2R0dCdkt0Zz09 Meeting ID: 898 7079 6538Passcode: H7qswE Look forward to seeing you there!
Greetings Mt. Tabor Families and PTA Current and Future Members! I hope this finds you off to a smooth start to our children’s second week of Virtual Learning. My family… Continue reading MTMS: Soft Start, Week #2
Welcome back, Mt. Tabor!!! I don’t know about you, but I have been vacillating between excitement and anxiety as this week has gotten closer and closer. I have been comforted… Continue reading School Days, School Daze!
Food All school districts are still offering breakfast and lunch to any kids 1-18 at participating locations: www.kgw.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/food-meals-schools-portland-closed-coronavirus/283-f54b65f9-eeb8-4854-b7a9-f0fc9d61aab2 You can use SNAP benefits to have groceries delivered from Amazon and Walmart… Continue reading Message from the Principal: Resources for Families